A bear whispers

A bear whispers

In times of difficulty and danger, our true friends are revealed to us. In June, 2017, ensemble IN EXTENSIO performed my “A bear whispers” (for clarinet and camping paraphernalia) in a concert, entitled BacKpacK MusiC, at le Petit Outremont in Montreal. A bear whispers is a musical recounting of Aesop’s (7th century BC) fable, Two Travellers and a Bear. The

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Angels and Demons at Play

Angels and Demons at Play

This work, entitled Angels and Demons at Play (for bass clarinet and drums), was featured in Wrath of Angels, a contemporary art music concert produced by NUMUS of Kitchener-Waterloo [Canada], in November, 2017. I developed the work specifically for two very fine musicians, Kathryn Ladano and Dave Klassen (and few other ‘electroacoustic’ guest speakers).



A selection of audio recordings (and videos) – from orchestral music to compositions for solo instrument, acoustic instrumental chamber music, ‘mixed’ chamber and electroacoustic music, from fixed media to an ensemble of household appliances. A standard YouTube playlist. Choose a recording from the list by clicking in the top lefthand corner. Click on Research to listen/watch performances with novel gestural

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I’m a dancin

I’m a dancin’, SAWDUST with the Penderecki String Quartet, Jeremy Bell (first violin), Jerzy Kaplanek (second violin), Christine Vlajk (viola) and Simon Fryer (cello)