
D. Andrew Stewart is a composer and digital musical instrumentalist. A convergence of acoustic and electroacoustic instrumental praxis is at the centre of Stewart’s oeuvre.

His music is dedicated to exploring composition and performance for new interfaces for musical expression by adapting and evolving traditional praxis.

Stewart’s work asks whether musical idea – concept, theory, material, technique and means – has kept pace with developments in digital lutherie; furthermore, what are the essential constituents for creating a viable digital instrument for the twenty-first century performer.

Stewart has contributed to the field of music technology through his demonstrations at: the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), International Computer Music Conference / International Computer Music Association (ICMC/ICMA), International Conference on Live Coding, International Web Audio Conference, Electroacoustic Music Studies Network, Electronic Music Foundation, ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, International Music-Gesture Conference, Society for Music Theory, Guthman Musical Instrument Competition, Congrès de l’Association francophone pour le savoir and The international Improvisation, Community, and Social Practice research project.

Andrew Stewart’s music has been featured in countries such as: The UK, The Netherlands, Switzerland, The Czech Republic, Poland, The United States, Germany, France, Mexico, Argentina, Norway, Denmark, Austria, Italy, The Republic of Korea, China, and his home country of Canada.

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